Tarot Card Readings
I use the Mythological Tarot Deck of cards for my Tarot readings because I love mythology as it ties in very closely with Astrology.
I have devised my own spreads for my readings which I find very useful and easy for you to understand.
As with all card readings, you choose your own cards that I will read from the deck of cards spread face down. In so doing, you are subconsciously selecting your own message that I am just the channel to read. The part of you that connects with the Higher Force up there is guiding your hands to the right cards that will give you the message you need to hear.
Tarot readings are very popular for corporate events as people think they are a bit of fun and games. In my experience, the cards reveal much more than superficial information and can go straight to the core of your life right now. Their message can be very powerful because the images in the cards stick in your head as a reminder of what your cards have revealed.
I believe that everything happens for a reason and my clients tell me that they leave a Tarot Card Reading session feeling like they had to hear what was told to them at that particular moment in time.