Astrology Readings

he first book of astrology, the Sefer Yetzirah was written by Abraham. Through the centuries, it has been bastardised into a superficial quick fix answer to the what-lies-in-store-for-me-today conundrum.
I do not encourage my clients to read the daily stars in the newspapers and magazines because you will not learn anything from these horoscopes.
Instead, I will draw up your astrological chart using your birth date, exact birth time and place that is a map of your path in this lifetime. I will explain the different planets and signs in your chart and how they interact with each other to help you or provide challenges in your life. Your Soul chose to come into this lifetime at the exact moment to give you this chart that clearly shows where you need to direct your energies to get the best possible results for your life.
Your birth chart is not stagnant. It grows with every year of your life. The progressed chart I will draw for you which shows you the opportunities available in the coming year.
I will also give you dates and months to look out for in anticipation of challenges you will face in the immediate future. Of course, the solution will also be clearly explained to you so you will be prepared to face these challenges when the time comes.
I am very passionate about astrology as I have tested it throughout the years. I am certain that if practiced correctly, it is a very valuable God-sent "Life Ap".