Spirituality has always been a big part of my life. I was born in the Philippines, the 6th of 7 children. Both my parents were practising Catholics and I spent a lot of time and energy in my early years actively practising Catholicism.

I married and moved to Melbourne, Australia in 1991 and shortly after the birth of my second child, I went to a clairvoyant named Jill Johnson because I was concerned about the health of my younger daughter who had heart-related surgery at the age of 5 months.

Jill gave me a fantastic reading and at the end of the session, she asked me if I wanted to learn how to read people. She said that her spirit guides told her that she had to take me in as a new student. She held classes in her home every Saturday afternoon for clients her guides had selected as suitable students. She did not charge but her classes were held by invitation only.

Naturally, I expressed an eagerness to join her classes and a few months later I found myself with a group of 4 other women in Jill's class. We began by learning channelling and then we would break into pairs and practice reading each other using photographs, handwriting, jewellery, names and reading sand each other's sand imprints. We also learned aura reading and healing under Jill's guidance. It was a wonderful time for me as I learned techniques and flourished with my new-found skill.

After a year of weekly classes, Jill told me that she had taught me all I needed to know and I had to make way for a new student to take my place. We remained friends and continued to catch up to do readings for each other.

I then moved to country Victoria for a couple of years where I put an advertisement in the local paper for psychic readings just to see how things would go. The response was overwhelming. I found myself doing at least 4-6 readings a week which suited my life then as both my daughters were not yet in school.

My most frightening experience as a clairvoyant happened in those early years. I man booked a reading with me and when he turned up at my door, I felt a bit nervous as he looked very threatening and imposing. I put my feelings aside and began my reading as usual when he stopped me and said that I must stop doing readings and answer only to him as he is now my "master". He threatened me by saying that if I continued doing readings, something horrible will happen to me and my children. He then stood up and left.

I panicked and rang Jill immediately to tell her what had happened. She got rather worked up on the phone saying that this man threatened me only because he was probably losing his clients to me. She said that my reputation as a good clairvoyant must be spreading around if he would stoop so low as to threaten my children. Jill advised me not to give in to the fear and continue to do my readings with more enthusiasm. Of course, she was right. I gained confidence in my abilities and continued with my readings. This man was never able to harm me or my children in any way.

When I returned to Melbourne, I kept in touch with Jill who sadly developed cancer and eventually left this world a few months later.

She always encouraged me to study astrology and left all her astrology books to me. As I began reading through her books, I realized that I wanted to do formal Astrology lessons so I completed a 2-year astrology course at the Chiron Centre in Melbourne.

Studying Astrology helped me personally as I understood the challenges I had faced and continue to face in my life. It helped me forgive and forget painful events in the past and look to the future with my eyes and heart wide open.

I began to do charts for family members and friends who were interested and I gained a lot of experience in those early years.

When my children started school and I began part time work, I became friends with an officemate, Vanessa Kwiatkowski who had completed a massage course. Together we started Melbourne's first mobile pamper package business, Aveta Goddess PL. We offered mind, body and soul experiences providing psychic readings, massage and beauty therapy for hen's parties and corporate events.

When I relocated to Perth in 2007, Vanessa and I decided to close down Aveta Goddess. Vanessa has since founded Melbourne City Rooftop Honey while I continued working as an independent clairvoyant in Perth in addition to my day job as an Accountant. We remain close friends to this day.

Back in 2001, my sister sent me a book called "Kabbalistic Astrology" written by Rav Berg that opened another door in my life. This book (which I highly recommend) was my introduction to Kabbalah. I have since pursued my studies of Kabbalah that I continue to practice to this day.

Kabbalah has helped me increase my psychic connection and find my own path to happiness. It has taught me that the only way I can be truly fulfilled is by using my abilities to help others find their own happiness so that some day, we can all reach our full potential and end pain and suffering in the world.